“不畏懼失敗"是所有創業家的特質,而成功的創業家更能夠從失敗中學習;然而從技術人員出身的的創業家往往會陷入『技術至上』的迷思,忘記了他們現在從事的是真實世界的生意。Eric Sink 在 MSDN 的專欄文章《Make More Mistakes》分享了他在創業過程中學到的教訓:

  1. Be careful about fixed-bid projects.
  2. Be careful about using bleeding-edge technologies.
  3. Small ISVs should do software and stay out of real estate.
  4. Investors don’t like low-margin business models.
  5. A market with no competition ain’t.
  6. The negative connotations of the word “middleman” are often deserved.
  7. All contracts must be reviewed by an attorney. No exceptions.
  8. Cash is supposed to flow from your customers to you, never the other way around.
  9. Small ISVs should build apps, not platforms.